Qidu Pharmaceutical Group 2023 ten major events announced

1. Infusion output of Qidu Pharmaceutical's main product reached a record high of 1.36 billion bottles.

In 2023, the production workshops of Qidu Pharmaceutical will produce safely and stably at full capacity, fully ensuring the market demand for products, and the output of the main product infusion will reach 1.36 billion bottles, a record high.


2. Construction of the intelligent production project of Qidu Pharmaceutical with an annual output of 10 billion oral preparations began.

On October 2, the intelligent production project of Qidu Pharmaceutical with an annual output of 10 billion oral preparations and antibiotics, anti-tumor and hormone preparations officially began construction. The project is a major project in Zibo City, including five mainstream dosage forms and three characteristic production lines, and is another large-scale, high-tech and intelligent drug production project of the enterprise, which will play an important role in promoting the equipment level and management level of the enterprise, supporting the upgrading of the enterprise product and the optimization and adjustment of the product structure.


3. The ninth batch of 3 products of Qidu Pharmaceutical was selected.

On November 6, the ninth batch of national drug centralized procurement conference was held in Shanghai. Shandong Qidu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. consistency evaluation evaluation products Gan Xiang ® -glycerin fructose sodium chloride injection, Geizan ® -calcium gluconate injection selected. Piracetam injection was selected in cooperation with MAH of Shandong Yumankun Biotechnology Co., LTD. The new round of national selection of the three products has positive significance for optimizing the market product structure, improving the brand awareness of products and enterprises, and promoting the high-quality development of enterprises, and will also make new contributions to the reform of China's medical system and the healthy development of the pharmaceutical industry.

4. Qidu Pharmaceutical has taken solid steps in digital transformation.

    On November 10 and 20, the Shand数字化车间.jpgong Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology successively issued a notice that Qidu Pharmaceutical's "New high-end pharmaceutical smart factory", "digital procurement collaborative platform" and "Characteristic raw material green intelligent manufacturing Factory" were selected into the Shandong Province smart factory, smart manufacturing scene and industrial Internet benchmark factory list. In recent years, Qidu Pharmaceutical has used modern concepts and high-tech to transform and upgrade traditional industries, in-depth application of industrial Internet, big data and other new generation information technology, continued to introduce advanced intelligent equipment at home and abroad, and constantly improve the digital and intelligent application level of the whole business field, so as to empower the rapid development of enterprises.

5. Qidu Pharmaceutical has been ranked in the top 100 of China's pharmaceutical industry for ten consecutive years.

From November 17 to 19, the 2023 China Pharmaceutical Industry Development Conference organized by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Health Commission, the State Food and Drug Administration and other units was held in Beijing. Qidu Pharmaceutical has won the top 100 list of China's pharmaceutical industry for ten consecutive years, and has been named the most growth enterprise of China's pharmaceutical industry in 2023, which is the full affirmation of the comprehensive strength, brand influence and development potential of the industry professional institutions.


6. Qidu Pharmaceutical was awarded as China Pharmaceutical high-quality development achievement Enterprise, and Dimoxin ® was awarded as China Pharmaceutical high-quality development achievement brand.

From February 19 to 21, the "34th National Pharmaceutical Economy Information Conference" hosted by the Southern Institute of Pharmaceutical Economics of the State Drug Administration and hosted by the Pharmaceutical Economy Newspaper was held. Qidu Pharmaceutical was named "Head Strength · High-quality Development Achievement Enterprise of Chinese Medicine", and Dimoxin ®- Moxifloxacin hydrochloride sodium chloride injection was awarded "Head Strength · High-quality development Achievement Brand of Chinese Medicine".

7. Qidu Pharmaceutical was rated as the national caring care employer.


On May 4, Qidu Pharmaceutical was selected into the list of results of the 2022 National Caring Care Employer evaluation jointly conducted by the All-China Federation of Trade Unions and the National Health Commission. Employee child care is a new highlight of Qidu Pharmaceutical adhering to the concept of "development for employees, development depends on employees, and development results are shared with employees" and establishing and implementing the whole-cycle employee care project.

8. Qidu Pharmaceutical was selected as the quality benchmark and management benchmark of Shandong Province.

On September 20 and December 25, the Shandong Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology successively issued a notice that Qidu Pharmaceutical's construction of the "three all and one" quality management model was selected into the 2023 provincial quality benchmark list, and Qidu Pharmaceutical was named the 2023 Shandong Provincial management benchmark enterprise. Enterprises continue to implement the performance excellence management model, focusing on the goal of "first-class management level", the introduction of advanced management concepts and tools, especially in quality management, with the comprehensive and in-depth implementation of the "four most stringent" quality management concept, advocating the quality culture of all staff "doing things right once" as the core. Closely around the whole staff, the whole life cycle, the whole process, intelligent quality management, greatly improve the company's product quality, service quality and core competitiveness, enterprise management continues to rise to a higher level.


9. Qidu Pharmaceutical made new achievements in the 2023 "Quality Lu Medicine" construction series activities.

On December 18, guided by Shandong Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology and Shandong Provincial Drug Administration, the 2023 "Quality Lu Medicine" construction series activities sponsored by Shandong Provincial Pharmaceutical Industry Association were successfully concluded. Qidu Pharmaceutical was named 2023 "Quality Lu medicine" construction demonstration enterprise, moxifloxacin hydrochloride sodium chloride injection (brand name: Di Mo Xin was rated as excellent product of 2023 "Quality Lu Yao" construction, workshop 304 Hu Yonghui was rated as 2023 "Quality Lu Yao" construction Lu Yao craftsman, production department Yang Yunjuan won the first prize of knowledge competition, workshop 205 Zhang Bin won the second prize of knowledge competition, workshop 205 Zheng Chengming, Cui Tao, Yang Donghui, Sun Xiujun won the third prize of knowledge competition, "Red Engine" driving quality strong enterprises "" Talk about production quality control" "R & D and production line leading production quality progress" was rated as the Party building leading quality improvement and quality culture construction excellent essay. At the same time, Yongju Technology infusion of non-PVC multi-layer co-extruded composite film and packaging components, Qingdao Presen hemodialysis concentrated liquid/hemodialysis concentrated powder (brand name: Putoan) was rated as 2023 "quality Lu medicine" construction excellent products. In this series of activities, Qidu Pharmaceutical undertook the final of the 2023 Provincial pharmaceutical industry "Quality Lu Medicine" GMP knowledge competition.


10. Qidu Pharmaceutical successfully held a key strategic partner award ceremony and customer appreciation meeting.

On May 7, Qidu Pharmaceutical held a key strategic partner award ceremony and customer appreciation dinner at Qisheng International Hotel in Zibo, and awarded "the most influential Partner", "Outstanding Contribution Partner", "Key Strategic Partner" and other awards. Nearly 300 key strategic partners from all over Shandong Province attended the ceremony, and an important consensus was reached among industrial and commercial enterprises.


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