Qidu Pharmaceutical: Practice social responsibility Highlight the responsibility of pharmaceutical enterprises

Healthy China, full of medicine.

Shandong Qidu Pharmaceutical Co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as "Qidu Pharmaceutical") has been rooted in pharmaceutical innovation, research and development and production for 48 years, and has made continuous contributions to protecting people's lives, health and safety and promoting the high-quality development of China's pharmaceutical industry.

Founded in 1976 and restructured in 1998, Qidu Pharmaceutical has more than 5,000 employees and total assets of 3.8 billion yuan. The industrial chain covers six business segments: pharmaceutical preparations, apis and pharmaceutical intermediates, pharmaceutical packaging materials, medical consumables and devices, biomedicine, traditional Chinese medicine and general health. With an annual production capacity of 1.5 billion bottles, the company is one of the top four basic infusion brands in China and has been selected as one of the top 100 Chinese pharmaceutical industry for 10 consecutive years.

Over the years, the company has actively practiced the concept of "creating value, serving the country by industry", and always put the fulfillment of responsibilities and giving back to the society in an important position while developing its own high-quality. It has successively won the honors of national key high-tech enterprises, National contract-abiding and credit-worthy enterprises, National Model Workers' Home, Chinese Red Cross Dedication Medal, Provincial civilized unit, Provincial harmonious labor relations Enterprise, etc.

□ Wang Na Ji Hongtao

Leading pharmaceutical intelligent manufacturing to promote green development

Promoting the green and collaborative transformation of industrial digitalization is an important trend in the evolution of global industrial structure, and is also an inherent requirement for achieving high-quality development. In recent years, industrial enterprises have set off a wave of digital transformation. However, due to the particularity of drug production, the pharmaceutical industry has no successful experience in this regard, and Qidu Pharmaceutical dares to take the first step to explore the new step of pharmaceutical intelligent manufacturing transformation.

In 2021, the company invested 520 million yuan to build a new infusion project with an annual output of 1.2 billion bottles (Workshop 211). Through the application of automation equipment and intelligent robots, the project breaks the information island, and for the first time effectively integrates the drug regulatory code system with the enterprise resource planning system ERP and the production and manufacturing execution system MES, realizing the integration of the whole process information from material procurement to product shipping, providing scientific and effective digital support for production planning, quality assurance and product traceability.

Today, Workshop 211 has become the world's largest injection production workshop with advanced process technology and high level of digital application. Per capita annual production capacity increased from 800,000 bottle bags to 4 million bottle bags, job capacity decreased by 73%, annual savings of 6,000 tons of steam, 75,000 tons of raw water, 3.55 million KWH of electricity, carbon emission reduction of 9,400 tons, per capita annual production capacity increased by 4 times, production speed increased by 3 times, production cost reduced by 25%, comprehensive energy saving rate of more than 30%.

The digital innovation exploration of the new high-end injection 211 workshop is a bold attempt by Qidu Pharmaceutical in the digital and intelligent construction application of the pharmaceutical industry, which provides reference for the collaborative transformation of the digital green industry. In 2021, Workshop 211 was recognized as a digital workshop in Shandong Province by the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology. In 2022, Qidu Pharmaceutical was identified by the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology as the benchmark enterprise of intelligent manufacturing in Shandong Province. In November 2023, the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology issued a notice that Qidu Pharmaceutical's "New high-end pharmaceutical smart factory", "digital procurement collaborative platform" and "Characteristic API green intelligent manufacturing Factory" were selected into the list of Shandong Province's smart factory, intelligent manufacturing scene and Industrial Internet benchmark factory.

High-quality development is the new era of the hard truth, enterprises want to high-quality long-term development, green production is a prerequisite. Qidu Pharmaceutical accelerates industrial transformation and upgrading, strengthens top-level design, accelerates technological innovation, and achieves green development. It has invested more than 50 million yuan to upgrade VOCs waste gas treatment facilities, expand sewage treatment systems, and transform rain and pollution diversion systems. The first green enzymatic synthesis process of L-carnitine API in China completely solves the high risk and high pollution pain points in the production process of L-carnitine API and breaks the monopoly of foreign technology.

In recent years, the company has continued to achieve both economic and social benefits, with an average annual growth rate of more than 30% for major economic indicators and more than 5,000 jobs. In 2023, the company's main economic indicators rose against the trend, the total industrial output value, sales revenue, profit and tax profits have achieved double-digit growth, and the tax paid has exceeded 300 million yuan.

Build Lu pharmaceutical brand ingenuity pharmaceutical for the people

In 2023, the news of Qidu Pharmaceutical Industry is frequent.

In the ninth batch of centralized procurement of drugs organized by the State, 3 kinds of drugs were successfully selected. In the final of the 2023 GMP knowledge competition of "Quality Lu Medicine" in the pharmaceutical industry of the province, the company was named as the demonstration enterprise of "Quality Lu Medicine" construction in 2023, and won 14 honors in various categories. Eight products of Qidu Pharmaceutical Group were identified as Shandong Quality brand products in 2023 by Shandong Quality Evaluation Association.

The pharmaceutical industry is an important industry related to the national economy and people's livelihood, and drug quality and safety is an insurmountable lifeline. Over the years, Qidu Pharmaceutical has continued to deeply implement the "four strictest" quality management concept and resolutely defend the quality embankment. The company has passed ISO9001 international quality management system, ISO14001 international environmental management system, national intellectual property management system and other certifications, and actively promotes zero-defect management, standardized management, lean production, SWOT analysis, control chart, FMEA, QC team and other advanced quality management tools and methods. To achieve quality management standardization, standardization, scientific. At the same time, firmly seize the opportunity of digital transformation, through the integration and interconnection of information systems, to achieve digital, efficient collaboration and reliable traceability of the whole process of drug quality management, and gradually form a "three all and one" quality management system with full staff, whole process, whole life cycle and intelligence.

In 2023, Qidu Pharmaceutical was awarded the top 500 Chinese brand Cultural Influence, Shandong Province brand construction demonstration enterprise, Shandong Province quality benchmark, management benchmark, Zibo City quality leading enterprise and so on.

Adhere to the people-oriented construction of a happy Qi capital

Who has talent, who can occupy the commanding heights of the industry, have tomorrow and the future. Qidu Pharmaceutical regards "talent strong enterprise" as the group's development strategy, and strives to cultivate, retain and use talents.

In July 2023, 110 graduate students from Shandong University, Jilin University, Lanzhou University, Dalian University of Technology and other universities gathered in the former capital of Qi and chose Qidu Pharmaceutical as the starting point of their career. Why attract so many high-quality people? Because of the culture of Qidu Pharmaceutical: cherish talents, talk about unity, attach importance to feelings, and have prospects.

Over the years, Qidu Pharmaceutical has always practiced the development purpose of "people-oriented", overcome the downward pressure of the economy, and ensure that the annual increase of employees' wages is more than 10%. At the same time, adhere to the fair and equitable talent selection mechanism, since 2009, the annual public examination to select young reserve cadres, has more than 300 front-line outstanding workers, through the examination to select management positions, become the backbone of enterprise development.

The company organizes a professional skills competition for employees every two years, and annually selects and honors pacesetters, outstanding Communist Party members, top ten scientific and technological workers, top ten marketing experts, top ten team leaders, excellent employees, etc., which has also become a platform project for Qidu Pharmaceutical to evaluate and cultivate knowledge-based, industry-oriented and innovative staff.

Qidu Pharmaceutical pays attention to improving employee happiness, carries out a variety of colorful recreational activities, and creates a comprehensive employee care system. Provide free apartments, affordable restaurants and supermarkets for employees, provide transitional housing for qualified graduate students, and provide high-quality housing of more than 100 square meters for special imported talents; More than 13 million yuan has been invested in the implementation of the "Love in Qi Medicine" worker care project, and precise care has been implemented from the aspects of marriage, funeral, and distress relief. At the same time, it has also established a worker assistance fund, a child care center for workers' children, and a summer care class for workers' children to relieve workers' worries.

Practice the mission of serving the country to demonstrate the responsibility of pharmaceutical companies

Qidu Pharmaceutical has always practiced the original mission of "creating value and serving the country by industry",  insisting on creating wealth to contribute to society and serving people's livelihood. In recent years,  he has donated more than 30 million yuan for earthquake relief, crisis assistance and education.

In 2008, Qidu Pharmaceutical donated 1.7 million yuan of drugs to Wenchuan disaster area; In 2010, donated RMB1.019 million of medicine to Yushu disaster area; Since 2012, the company has paired up with a number of villages to help people in need,  and funded the construction of party and mass service centers, photovoltaic power stations, etc.;  In 2017,  the company donated 500,000 yuan for activities such as "Charity in Zibo Warm send thousands" and "Great Love Linzi Volunteer Public Welfare Action". In 2018,  400 pieces of antibacterial and antiviral drugs worth more than 100,000 yuan were donated to the flood-stricken area of Shouguang;  In 2022,  2 million yuan will be donated to the education system of Linzi District to support the development of education;  During the fight against the COVID-19 epidemic, while sparing no efforts to ensure the supply of medicines,  we have donated more than 10 million yuan to the disaster areas and all sectors of society,  contributing to the fight against the epidemic. In recent years,  Qidu Pharmaceutical has also actively carried out various public welfare activities such as rural revitalization and  pair assistance, donated 2 million yuan to Shizhu Tujia Autonomous County of Chongqing,  and targeted the annual purchase of Shizhu rice, black beans,  chili and other food and cash crops tens of thousands of pounds,  taking the lead in advocating consumption to help agriculture activities,  and taking practical actions to explain the responsibility of Qidu Pharmaceutical in the new era.

Brave and steadfast,  the wind miles. Qidu Pharmaceutical will continue to practice the original mission of "creating value and serving the  country with industry", know the responsibility in the heart, take responsibility in the body,  and fulfill the responsibility in the action, with innovation and responsibility,  continue to meet the needs of the people for high-quality medicine,  and contribute more to promoting the construction of pharmaceutical innovation and healthy China.

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